Dental Crowns: Everything You Need to Know

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dental crowns everything you need to know

Has your smile experienced some damage? With the help of a dental crown, you can restore the shape of your teeth while protecting them from further harm. Not only will this treatment improve your smile’s functionality, but it’ll also boost its aesthetic appearance.

Everything you need to know about the dental crown process is included in this article. And of course, should you have further questions, speak with your dentist in South Edmonton.

What are dental crowns?

A dental crown is a specially-shaped cap that supports a tooth that has become weak, cracked, eaten, or worn out. With proper care, crowns can last between 5-15 years and can be made of a variety of materials, including metal, resin, and porcelain.

Why would I need a dental crown?

If you have a tooth that is cracked or broken, has a large filling, or needs a root canal, you might need a dental crown. Dental crowns in South Edmonton can also be used to support a dental bridge or for aesthetic reasons.

Usually, porcelain, ceramic, metal alloys, or a combination of these materials are used to create dental crowns. The position of the tooth, aesthetic criteria, and functional needs are only a few of the variables that influence the material choice.

The best course of action is to talk to your dentist who will be able to evaluate your situation and suggest the best course of action, which may or may not include a dental crown.

Types of dental crowns

Porcelain, ceramic, metal (such as gold or silver alloy), porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM), and zirconia crowns are among the typical materials used to fabricate dental crowns near you.

Metal crowns offer strength and longevity, while porcelain and ceramic crowns offer a natural appearance. Zirconia and PFM crowns offer longevity and natural-looking aesthetics, whereas zirconia crowns combine metal strength and porcelain aesthetics. The decision will be influenced by the location, required strength, and aesthetics.

How is my tooth prepared for a dental crown?

  1. First, you’ll be provided with a local anesthetic that numbs the tooth and its surrounding tissues, keeping you comfortable throughout the appointment.
  2. Next up, your dentist near you will change the tooth by shaving off some of its surfaces. To create room for the crown to fit properly, this is done.
  3. A putty-like substance or digital scanning will be used to obtain an impression of the prepared tooth and the adjacent teeth. For the creation of your personalized crown, this impression serves as a mold.
  4. You may be asked to choose a shade that complements your natural teeth if the crown is made of a tooth-coloured material, like porcelain or ceramic.
  5. A temporary crown will be put over the prepared tooth to safeguard it while your permanent crown is being made. Typically, acrylic or a substance comparable to it is used to create temporary crowns.
  6. Your permanent crown will be made in a dental laboratory using an impression of your teeth. Normally, this procedure takes a few weeks.
  7. You will need to go back to the dentist’s office for the permanent crown’s placement. The temporary crown will be taken off, and the permanent crown’s fit, design, and color will be examined. The dentist will cement the crown onto your tooth if everything is satisfactory.

Set up an appointment with us!

Be sure to follow any postoperative instructions that your dentist gives you, as this ensures that your smile heals properly. You can protect your new crown and your natural teeth for many years to come by maintaining appropriate oral hygiene practices and adhering to your dentist’s instructions.

Have questions or concerns? Call or email us at Landmark Dental today!